Calories in wine

Calories in a bottle of red wine

Can you gain weight just drinking wine? It depends. It’s important to know that wine contains calories as every other drink and food. According to the Usda (U.S. Department of Agriculture) calories in wine are so distributed: average red table wine 125 calories for 5 fl oz and 625 in a bottle; 121 for white table wine (5 fl oz) and 605 in a bottle.

Italian red wines

In this rank we find many Italian red wines such as Syrah, Merlot with 123 calories for 5 fl oz and 610 in a bottle; Pinot Noir 122 and 605; Chianti has 124 calories for 5 fl oz, Amarone wine 125, Zinfandel 131, Cabernet Sauvignon 125.

Italian white wines

Among Italian white wines there is Riesling with 118 and 590; Sauvignon Blanc has 119 and 595; Chardonnay and Pinot Gris (Grigio) 123 and 615.

There is no problem with one or two glasses of wine a day, but we have to pay attention.

Australian Cancer Council says that four drinks have 1064 calories, just the half of the entire daily requirement for a person, 2000 calories for a woman and 2600 for a man. Can we get the risk to have more alcohol than food during the day in our life? This would be very dangerous.

Wine vs Spirits

But it’s actually better with wine than spirits. In fact a regular glass of red Italian wine as Chianti contains 68 calories; a white one has 60; 69 for Cabernet, 75 for the champagne and Vernaccia, 80 for the Marsala and 90 for sparkling sweet wine. Nothing to do with other kinds of alcoholic drinks.

Perhaps it’s important to know that one “ricciarello”, the Sienese almond cookie, contains almost 500 calories, a little less than a bottle of Chianti Riserva or of a Super Tuscan as Tignanello, Sassicaia and Ornellaia.

Regarding calories there aren’t too many differences among the big Tuscan red wines.

They have almost 124-125 calories for 5 fl oz.

In particular the same quantity of Chianti Classico Riserva contains the 7 percent of calories, 2 percent of sugar, 13 percent of alcohol and no added sugars. Good to know.

You can decide how much to drink at dinner or at lunch, when you eat some important dishes as Italian spaghetti or roasted meat, thinking to your fitness.

No need to panic. A glass of good quality wine brightens the day, if you drink it properly at meal-time preferably with family and friends.

But if you desire taste some good wine directly where it is produced you can take advantage of a wine tasting tour  in the best Italian wine regions.

Book now your special and exciting wine tour: Chianti and Super tuscan Wine Tour from Florence, 3 wineries!

Wine tour Tuscany, 3 Chianti wineries